vendredi 12 avril 2013

les devoirs pour le 15 avril et d'autres informations importantes!

My French Lab 10-4, 10-7, 10-9, 10-10

Don't forget that oral exams start next week! Make sure you are signed up with an instructor OTHER than me (either Nii Ayi or Doug Miller). You can sign up outside Kimple 204B or 513.

Someone wanted to know if you will be expected to speak in different verb tenses during the exam -- the answer is yes! But don't let that intimidate you! You are already familiar with the passe compose, imparfait, futur simple and subjunctive tenses so just review the material and practice saying some sentences out loud. As odd as it may sound, a great way to prepare is just to have some conversations with yourself over the topics we've been studying (education, professions, travel, entertainment, etc). Be confident and try to have fun and you'll do well!

Also, final drafts of the composition are due Monday, April 22nd. Please type and double space and hand in the original with the final copy. Don't hesitate to see me if you have questions - I'll be happy to help.

Bon week-end!

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