11:30 class: My French Lab ex. 7-38, 7-42, 7-43 + correct your quiz (optional but recommended!!) - next to the correct answer write a brief justification in English for the tense (ie - "background," "habitual action," etc). If you need to review uses of the imperfect vs. p.c., pgs 211 and 217 should be quite helpful. :)
2:30 class: choose two pronominal verbs from the list on page 224 (Ch. 7 L.3 Formes et Fonctions 1) and write out the conjugations of each verb in the present tense, imperfect tense, and passé composé. (note: pronominal verbs take être as the auxiliary in the passé composé) ; My French Lab ex. 7-33, 7-35, 7-36
Quiz Monday (2:30 class only): les sentiments + "Qu'est-ce qu'on dit quand on perd son sang-froid?"
Bon week-end!
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