mercredi 27 février 2013

devoirs: vendredi le 1e mars

My French Lab 8-3, 8-9, 8-10, 8-13

Compositions due Friday! (Typed, double-spaced, with first draft stapled to back if you have one)

Quiz Friday: les verbes pronominaux: Be familiar with the pronominal verbs on page 224 (Ch. 7 L. 3 Formes et Fonctions 1) and be able to conjugate them in the present, imperfect and passé composé.

lundi 25 février 2013

les devoirs pour mercredi

11:30 class: My French Lab 8-1, 8-7,8-8

2:30 class: My French Lab 7-41, 7-43, 8-1, 8-7,8-8

Both classes - study the prepositions de lieu terms for next time

A mercredi!

vendredi 22 février 2013

Vos devoirs pour le week-end

11:30 class: My French Lab ex. 7-38, 7-42, 7-43  + correct your quiz (optional but recommended!!) - next to the correct answer write a brief justification in English for the tense (ie - "background," "habitual action," etc). If you need to review uses of the imperfect vs. p.c., pgs 211 and 217 should be quite helpful. :)

2:30 class: choose two pronominal verbs from the list on page 224 (Ch. 7 L.3 Formes et Fonctions 1) and write out the conjugations of each verb in the present tense, imperfect tense, and passé composé. (note: pronominal verbs take être as the auxiliary in the passé composé) ; My French Lab ex. 7-33, 7-35, 7-36

Quiz Monday (2:30 class only): les sentiments + "Qu'est-ce qu'on dit quand on perd son sang-froid?"

Bon week-end!

mercredi 20 février 2013

les devoirs pour vendredi

11:30 class:  choose two pronominal verbs from the list on page 224 (Ch. 7 L.3 Formes et Fonctions 1) and write out the conjugations of each verb in the present tense, imperfect tense, and passé composé. (note: pronominal verbs take être as the auxiliary in the passé composé) ; My French Lab ex. 7-33, 7-35, 7-36

Quiz vendredi (11:30 class only): Les Sentiments + Qu'est-ce qu'on dit quand on perd son sang-froid?

2:30 class: Help us get caught up on Friday by reading over the vocabulary introduced at the beginning of Ch. 7 Lesson 3 "Les Sentiments" and "Qu'est-ce qu'on dit quand on perd son sang-foid?" Also review reflexive pronominal verbs from Ch.3, L.1 and then read over "Les verbs pronominaux idiomatique" in Ch. 7 L.3, "Formes et Fonctions" 1.

Bonne journée de neige!!

composition abbreviations

Here are the abbreviations you'll need for your composition. Please look up each one that appears on your composition and make sure you understand them before you start rewriting. I realize that my handwriting is kind of illegible at times so ask me if you don't understand something.

mardi 19 février 2013

devoirs pour le 20

Whoops sorry I forgot to post this! (It's still due tomorrow though!:) )  My French Lab 7-26, 7-27, 7-28

samedi 16 février 2013

pc/imparfait practice

Yet another update: Here is the jours fériés worksheet from 2/13 if you didn't get a copy.

Here is a little more imperfect/pc practice plus answers.

Here is some passé composé vs imparfait practice that Mr. Ayi gave to the 2:30 class, similar to what you'll have for the quiz Monday.

Here are the answers with explanations. It's quite normal to be going along thinking you've got it and then to get a few wrong so don't worry. A lot of times it helps to translate the verb in question into English and ask which sounds bettter: X was doing Y (imperfect) or X did Y (pc).

Keep checking the blog -- I might post some more practice if I find anything good.

vendredi 15 février 2013

devoirs pour lundi le 18

My French Lab ex. 7-12 & 7-13.

Quiz lundi: l'imparfait et le passé composé (study pages 211 & 217)

Here are the powerpoints over imparfait and pc:

mercredi 13 février 2013

les devoirs pour vendredi

For Friday, do My French Lab exercises 7-19 and 7-20.

Then read over page 217 in the textbook (Lesson 2, Formes et Fonctions, "l'imparfait et le passé composé: d'autres contrastes") and practice forming the two verb tenses by writing out the imperfect and passé composé conjugations for two verbs: essayer and partir (hint: one uses avoir in the passé composé and one uses être.) I'll collect this at the beginning of class. No quiz!

lundi 11 février 2013

les devoirs pour le 13 février

finish Le Petit Chaperon Rouge wksht (2:30 class only)

A rendre (to hand in): les conjugaisons au présent de vouloir, pouvoir et devoir

My French Lab ex. 7-9, 7-10, 7-11

Quiz mercredi: vouloir, pouvoir, et devoir

today's ppt

samedi 9 février 2013

les devoirs pour lundi le 11 février

My French Lab: 7-1, 7-7, 7-8

No conjugation work to hand in but study the conjugations for vouloir/pouvoir/devoir - there will be a quiz later in the week.

Quiz Lundi! "Le corps humain" (know the parts of the body)

lundi 4 février 2013

Révision pour l’examen


Here are some practice worksheets to work on:

direct and indirect object pronoun worksheet 
--->  answers

imparfait worksheet  
---> answers

 Here are the answers to exercise 6-27 and the practice test:

answers to exercise 6-27

answers to practice exam 

vendredi 1 février 2013

les devoirs pour lundi le 4

Pour lundi, imprimez et préparez le "practice exam." (Section C won't be on the exam, but it's worth your while just as a refresher!)

Cliquez ici pour le powerpoint avec excercices sur les pronoms complément d’objet au passé composé.

Pour le powerpoint sur l'imparfait, cliquez ici.

Here is a summary of direct object pronoun placement (it also applies to indirect object pronouns).

Reminder! Exam 1 is next Wednesday, Feb. 6th!!
It will cover everything from chapter 6.

Also: Since I was late to post the conjugation homework that was due today, I will accept it on Monday.